Description of the event
The ambition to facilitate data sharing and interoperability within the Materials and Manufacturing domains is the core motivation for this event. Stemming from the OntoCommons H2020 project activities, this focused workshop provides a platform for academic researchers and industrial practitioners to meet and discuss about the Materials and Manufacturing Commons key enablers, in particular, Digital Marketplaces, FAIR Principles and Ontologies.
In this workshop, the Digital Marketplaces concept and its current status of implementation will be shown in order to continue the discussion about requirements and challenges using ontologies. Tools supporting data documentation and interoperability will be showcased, and concrete challenges, success stories, as well as experiences using ontologies will be shared.
A session and panel discussion on the future developments of Materials and Manufacturing Commons with focus on materials and manufacturing data spaces followed by interactive input collection from participants will round up the first part of the workshop and lead to the networking session in the evening.
In the second part, the FAIR principles will be introduced and existing tools and guidelines to leverage the FAIR principles in industrial context will be identified and discussed together with experts and participants.
The third day of the workshop will be dedicated to participants’ input, feedback and questions, including an open pitch session for participants. Demos of the tools provided by the ontology commons ecosystem, a virtual tour of digital marketplaces and hands-on working sessions for enhancing the FAIRness score of participants’ own ontologies will provide a tangible take-away result from the workshop. To deepen and consolidate the communication and networking between OntoCommons, the digital marketplaces, FAIR initiatives and interested users of semantic tools.
This workshop has received high attention from the European Commission (EC) and is very relevant to support the collection of feedback required for further EC incentives/initiatives related to the implementation of Materials and Manufacturing Commons. All participants are strongly invited to contribute to the discussions about the Materials and Manufacturing Commons concept and vision.
The workshop is open (no registration fee) and will take place on-site at the Fraunhofer Forum Berlin (Germany). Please register as soon as possible!
Registrations closes on Friday March 24th at noon for in-person participation.
- Joana Francisco Morgado, Dirk Helm and Monika Gall, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, Germany
- Gerhard Goldbeck and Alex Simperler, GCL Goldbeck Consulting Limited, United Kingdom
- Yann Le Franc, e-Science Data Factory, France
- María Poveda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Florina Piroi, Katharina Flicker and Marie Czuray, TU Wien, Austria
- Silvia Chiacchiera, UK Research and Innovation, United Kingdom
- Arkopaul Sarkar and Hedi Karray, Ecole Nationale D’Ingénierurs De Tarbes, France
- Lan Yang, University of Galway, Ireland
- Michela Magas, Industry Commons Foundation, Sweden
- Lars Erikson, Jonkoping University, Sweden
- Mark Illi, BEDA, Switzerland
- Cristina Mancarella, Rita Giuffrida, Trust-IT Services, Italy
Fraunhofer Forum Berlin (Anna Louisa Karsch Straße 2, 10178 Berlin, Germany; www.forum.fraunhofer.de)
Type of event
On site (hybrid participation possible)
The registration form for on site in Berlin is already closed, but please contact us if you would like to join in Berlin berlinworkshop@ontocommons.eu.
Registration possible until the event date for online participation.
Overview Agenda
Day 1, Tuesday, April 4th 2023
Towards Implementations of Materials and Manufacturing Commons
Time Schedule | Title of the session | Moderator |
08:45 - 09:00 | Arrival and registration | - |
09:00 - 09:15 | Welcome and Introduction | Dirk Helm (Fraunhofer IWM), Hedi Karray (ENIT), Laszlo Hetey (European Commission) |
09:15 - 11:20 | Session 1: Key elements of Materials and Manufacturing Commons | Dimitris Kiritsis (EPFL-UiO) |
Industry Commons: Towards a Common European Data Space (slides) | Michela Magas (ICF) | |
OntoCommons: standardising materials and manufacturing data documentation to support data sharing in a common data space (slides) | Hedi Karray (ENIT) | |
Digital Marketplaces based on shared data documentation principles (slides) | Amit Bhave (CMCL), Dirk Helm (Fraunhofer IWM) | |
FAIR-Principles (slides) | Yann Le Franc (e-science Data Factory) | |
Towards a Materials Commons: Materials Digitalisation in AMI2030 Roadmap (slides) | Gerhard Goldbeck (Goldbeck Consulting) | |
Materials Commons: knowledge sharing across the materials ecosystem (slides) | Andrea Ceglia (European Commission) | |
Q&A | ||
11:20 - 11:35 | Coffee Break | - |
11:35 - 12:20 | Session 2: Towards implementations of Materials and Manufacturing Commons - Digital Marketplaces | Yoav Nahshon (Fraunhofer IWM) |
Dome4.0: from dataset to data documentation using ontologies (slides) | Amit Bhave (CMCL) | |
MarketPlace (slides) | Dirk Helm (Fraunhofer IWM) | |
VIMMP (slides) | Silvia Chiacchiera (UKRI) | |
12:20 - 13:20 | Lunch Break | - |
13:20 - 14:45 | Session 3: Towards implementations of Materials and Manufacturing Commons - OntoCommons | Gerhard Goldbeck (Goldbeck Consulting) |
Ontology Commons EcoSystem - ontology standardisation guidelines and alignment tools (slides) | Arkopaul Sarkar (ENIT) | |
Use case DOME4.0 and OntoCommons – lessons learnt for ontology based commons: Semantically Empowered Industry 4.0 @Bosch (slides) | Evgeny Kharlamov (BOSCH) | |
Use case DOME4.0 and OntoCommons - lessons learnt for ontology based commons: Materials Databases Integration using the Materials Design Ontology (slides) | Huanyu Li (Linköping University) | |
Alignment of DOME4.0 with OntoCommons (slides) | Emanuele Ghedini (Università di Bologna) | |
Knowledge Management Translator: skills and human resources development (slides) | Alexandra Simperler (Goldbeck Consulting) | |
Discussion: How can FAIR data and ontologies combine with digital marketplaces to create a Materials Commons | ||
14:45 - 15:00 | Coffee Break | - |
15:00 - 16:20 | Session 4: Towards implementations of Materials and Manufacturing Commons - Data Spaces | Michela Magas (ICF) |
EU Data Spaces - Data Space 4.0 CSA (slides) | Alberto Abella (FIWARE) and Clara Pezuela (FIWARE) | |
The contribution of the Platform Material Digital (PMD) in building up a Materials Data Space – application to glass design and manufacturing (slides) | Pedro Portella (Fraunhofer IWM) | |
EOSC presentation (slides) | Roksana Wilk (EOSC Future) | |
A Data Space Management System (slides) | Tobias Huschle (Fraunhofer IWM) | |
Q&A | ||
16:20 - 16:35 | Coffee Break | - |
16:35 - 17:20 | Session 5: Towards implementations of Materials and Manufacturing Commons: Combining views on material commons (organised by the Bureau of European Design Associations BEDA on incentive of the European Commission) |
Mark Illi (BEDA) |
Introduction of BEDA (slides) | Mark Illi (BEDA) | |
Basajaun project - tracking the lifecycle of wood (slides) | Andreas Rudenå (Paramountric) | |
The design perspective (slides) | Lars Eriksson (Jonkoping University / BEDA) | |
From Mirabel Slabbnick to Quantifactum (slides) | Christof Ameye (Quantifactum) | |
Panel Questions + Q&A | ||
17:20 - 17:40 | Interactive Session: Towards implementation of Materials and Manufacturing Commons: interactive feedback collection from participants on implementation of Materials and Manufacturing Commons (slides) | Umutcan Serles (University of Innsbruck) |
17:45 - 17:50 | Wrap up of Day 1 | Dirk Helm (Fraunhofer IWM), Hedi Karray (ENIT) |
ca 17:50 - 20:00 | Networking event with poster session | - |
Day 2, Wednesday, April 5th 2023
FAIR Principles for Industry
Time Schedule | Title of the session | Moderator |
09:00 - 09:05 | Welcome to Day 2 | Yann Le Franc (e-science Data Factory) |
09:05 - 10:15 | Session 1: What are the FAIR Principles? | |
Keynote: Introduction to FAIR Principles (slides) | Barend Mons (GO FAIR Foundation) | |
FAIR Principles implementation at Roche (slides) | Dr. Martin Romacker & Nick Perry (Roche) | |
10:15 - 11:05 | Session 2: Examples from OntoCommons | |
FAIR Principles implementation at BOSCH (slides) | Irlan Grangel Gonzalez (BOSCH) | |
An entrepreneur perspective on FAIR (slides) | Dermot Doyle (Dynaccurate) | |
11:05 - 11:20 | Coffee Break | - |
11:20 - 12:05 | Session 3: FAIR principles in OntoCommons | |
FAIR Ontologies: a requirement for interoperability (slides) | Yann Le Franc (e-science Data Factory) | |
How can we evaluate the FAIR Compliance of Ontologies? (slides) | Maria Poveda (UPM) | |
12:05 - 12:55 | Session 4: FAIR Resources for Industry: what is happening in EOSC? - Part 1 | |
EOSC FAIR Metrics and Data Quality (slides) | Romain David (ERINHA) | |
EOSC Semantic Interoperability Task Force (slides) | Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström (Uppsala University) | |
12:55 - 14:05 | Lunch Break | - |
14:05 - 15:20 | Session 4: FAIR Resources for Industry: what is happening in EOSC? - Part 2 | |
FAIR Cookbook & FAIRSharing (slides) | Susanna Assunta Sansone (Oxford University) | |
FAIR Impact (slides) | Pascal Flohr (DANS-KNAW) | |
FAIRCORE4EOSC (slides) | Tommi Suominnen (CSC) | |
15:20 - 15:35 | Coffee Break | - |
15:35 - 16:45 | Session 5: FAIR Resources from GO FAIR | |
M4M Workshops & FAIR Implementation Profiles (slides) | Erik Shultes (GO FAIR Foundation) | |
Creating federated FAIR Data Space with the FAIR Data Point (slides) | Yann Le Franc (e-Science Data Factory) | |
Discussions and Concluding remarks | Yann Le Franc (e-Science Data Factory) | |
16:45 - 17:00 | Wrap up of Day 2 | |
17:00 - open end | Joint networking activity "out and about Berlin" |
Day 3, Thursday, April 6th 2023
Materials and Manufacturing Commons for Industry
Time Schedule | Title of the session | Moderator |
09:00 - 09:05 | Welcome to Day 3 | Dirk Helm (Fraunhofer IWM) |
09:05 - 10:15 | Session 1: OntoCommons Roadmap collecting Industry needs | Silvia Chiacchiera (UKRI) |
Introduction to the OntoCommons Roadmap (slides) | Hedi Karray (ENIT) | |
Pitches: the participants willl present their use case/questions on ontologies and/or marketplaces/material data spaces/FAIRness
Collect input for updated version of Roadmap from participants (slides) | Silvia Chiacchiera (UKRI) | |
10:15 - 10:30 | Coffee Break | - |
10:30 - 11:30 | Session 2: Demos | Joana Morgado (Fraunhofer IWM) |
Demo Ontology Commons EcoSystem (OCES) | Arkopaul Sarkar (ENIT) | |
Demo FAIRness score/FAIRification (slides) | María Poveda (UPM) | |
Demo MarketPlace | Yoav Nahshon (Fraunhofer IWM), Pablo de Andres (Fraunhofer IWM) | |
11:30 - 11:45 | Coffee Break | - |
11:45 - 12:30 | Session 3: Hands-on Q&A Session | Pablo de Andres (Fraunhofer IWM) |
Q&A: OCES | Arkopaul Sarkar (ENIT) | |
Q&A: FAIRification | María Poveda (UPM), Yann LeFranc (e-science Data Factory) | |
Q&A: Digital Marketplaces | Yoav Nahshon (Fraunhofer IWM), Dirk Helm (Fraunhofer IWM), Amit Bhave (CMCL) | |
12:30 - 13:00 | Wrap up of Day 3 - End of the Event | Dirk Helm (Fraunhofer IWM) |
12:30 - 13:15 | Closing Lunch |
*Materials and Manufacturing Commons - what and why? Materials and Manufacturing Commons are introduced by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 work programme which launched the OntoCommons and DOME 4.0 projects featuring in this workshop. The term “Commons” originates from land made available for joint use in a community. The Industry Commons concept aims at creating an open market place for the widest possible sharing and joint re-use of data, models and knowledge to foster innovation in materials, products and services. This Commons is making the data FAIR through a common information system based on harmonized documentation of data through taxonomies and ontologies.
The current AMI2030 Roadmap also refers to the Materials Commons as “a common framework for all stakeholders - e.g. as materials researchers, developers, manufacturers, up takers as, and end users (B2B, B2C) - supporting their collaboration on advanced materials in a systemic approach across different innovation markets.”